Journal Papers

H. Z. Zahedani and M. Farshi, The Singer-Wermer conjecture. J. of Iranian Math. Soc. (Farhang va Andisheye Riyazi), 18(2)(1999), 37-52. (in Persian)
S. M. Vaezpour and M. Farshi, A comment on the algebra of Toeplitz operators. J. of Math. & Stat. (Golchin -I Riyazi), Shiraz Univ. 8(2) and 9(1)(1999 & 2000). (in Persian)
M. Farshi, The image of inner and generalized inner derivations on Banach algebras. J. Sciences, Azzahra University, 13(1)(2000). (in Persian)
B. Davvaz and M. A. Iranmanesh and M. Farshi, Matroid hypergroups defined on the same set. J. Institute of Math. & Computer Sciences14(2) (2001), 87-95.
M. Farshi, Complex numbers in complex bases. ETTEHAD (J. of Scientific Association of Mathematics Teachers in Iran) , 1 (1), Summer 2004. (in Persian).
M. Farshi, Fractal tiling patterns generated by complex bases. J. of Math. & Stat., (Golchin -I Riyazi), Shiraz University, 13 (1), Fall 2005. (in Persian)
H. Khorshidi and M. Farshi, On the number of topologies on a finite set: Algorithms and numbers. J. of Math. & Stat. (Golchin -I Riyazi ), Shiraz University, 14(2), 30-78, 2005. (in Persian)
M. Farshi and J. Gudmundsson and P. Giannopoulos, Improving the stretch factor of a geometric network by edge augmentation. SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol. 38(1), 226-240, 2008.
M. A. Abam and M. de Berg and M. Farshi and J. Gudmundsson, Region-fault tolerant geometric spanners. Journal of Discrete & Computational Geometry, Vol. 41, 556-582, 2009.
M. Farshi, J. Gudmundsson, Experimental study of geometric t-spanners. The ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, Volume 14, December 2009.
H.-K. Ahn and M. Farshi and C. Knauer and M. Smid and Y. Wang, Dilation-optimal edge deletion in polygonal cycles. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, Vol. 20, No. 1, 69-87, 2010.
P. Bose and P. Carmi and M. Farshi and A. Maheshvari and M. Smid, Computing the greedy spanner in near-quadratic time. Algorithmica, Vol. 58, 711-729, 2010.
M. A. Abam, M. de Berg, M. Farshi, J. Gudmundsson and M. Smid, Geometric spanners for weighted point sets. Algorithmica, Volume 61 (1), 207-225, 2011 .
M. A. Abam, P. Carmi, M. Farshi, and M. Smid, On the Power of the Semi-Separated Pair Decomposition. Computational Geometry, Volume 46, Issue 6, August 2013, Pages 631–639 .
M. Farshi and M. J. HekmatNasab, Greedy Spanner Algorithms in Practice. Scientia Iranica D, 21 (6), 2142-2152, 2014.
D. Bakhshesh and M. Farshi, Improving space and time complexity of the gap-greedy spanner algorithm, CSI Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2016, Pages 6-18.
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi and M. Hasheminezhad, Complexity results for k-domination and α-domination problems and their variants, Ars Combinatoria, Vol 145 (CXLV), Pages 11-27, 2019.
D. Bakhshesh and M. Farshi, Angle-constrained spanners with angle at least π/3, Information Processing Letters, Volume 120, April 2017, Pages 44–46.
D. Bakhshesh, L. Barba, P. Bose, J.-L. De Carufel, M. Damian, R. Fagerberg, M. Farshi, A. van Renssen, P. Taslakian, and S. Verdonschot, Continuous Yao Graphs, COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY: Theory and Applications, Volume 67, Pages 42-52, 2018.
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi and M. R. Hooshmandasl, 2-domination number of generalized Petersen graphs, Proc. Math. Sci. 128: 17, 2018.
A. Mesrikhani, M. Farshi, Progressive sorting in the external memory model, CSI Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2018, Pages 1-4.
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi, Fault Tolerancy of Continuous Yao Graph of Angle Less Than $2\pi/5$, Information Processing Letters, Volume 148, Pages 13-18, 2019.

Z. Saeidi, M. Farshi, Frechet and Hausdorff Queries on x -Monotone Trajectories, Journal of Algorithms and Computation, Pages 9-17, 2019.

A. Mesrikhani, M. Farshi, B. Iranfar, Minimum Spanning Tree of Imprecise Points Under L1-metric, Journal of Algorithms and Computation 51 (2), 99-110,2019.

B. Iranfar, M. Farshi, A. Mesrikhani,On The Spread of a Uniformly Distributed Point Set, CSI Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2019, Pages 49-54.

B. Iranfar, M. Farshi, On the expected weight of the theta graph on uncertain points, Journal of Algorithms and Computation 52 (1), 163-174, 2020.
P. Gholipour, M. Farshi, Max-Finding using imprecise comparison: theoretical study and implementation, Computing Science Journal (CSJ), Vol 17, Pages 116-125, 2020 (in Persian)

D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi, Angle-monotonicity of Delaunay triangulation, COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY: Theory and Applications, Volume 94, 101711, 2021.

A. Mesrikhani, M. Farshi, B. Iranfar, A Progressive Algorithm for The Closest Pair Problem, International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory, Volume 6, No.2. Pages 130-136, 2021.

Z. Saeidi, M. Farshi, Measuring Similarity for Directed Path in Geometric Data, Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Pages 145-158, 2021 (in Persian).
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi, A Degree 3 Plane 5.19-Spanner for Points in Convex Position, Scientia Iranica, Volume 28(6), 3324-3331, 2021.
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi, On the plane angle-monotone graphs, COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY: Theory and Applications, Volume 100, 101818, 2022.
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi, A lower bound on the stretch factor of Yao graph Y4, Scientia Iranica, Volume 29(6), 3244-3248, 2022.
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi, A Greedy Algorithm for Constructing Region-Fault Tolerant Geometric Spanners, Electronic and Cyber Defense, Vol 10, No 4, 75-80 (2023) (in Persian).
R. Behzadidoost, M. Hasheminezhad, V. Derhami, F. Alamiyan and M. Farshi, A framework for text mining on Twitter: a case study on joint comprehensive plan of action(JCPOA)- from 2015 to 2019,Quality & Quantity, Volume 56, 3053–3084 (2022).
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi, Angle-monotonicity of theta-graphs for points in convex position, Scientia Iranica, Volume 30 (6), Pages 2116--2123 (2023).
A. Poureidi, M. Farshi, Algorithmic results on locating-total domination in graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 334, Pages 36-44 (2023).
F. Bahranipour, S. Ebrahimi Mood, and M. Farshi, Energy-Delay aware request scheduling in hybrid Cloud and Fog Computing using improved multi-objective CS algorithm, Soft Computing, Volume 28, pages 4037–4050, (2024).
M. Mohammadi, F. Bahranipour, S. Ebrahimi Mood, and M. Farshi, Security-Aware Resource Allocation in Fog Computing using a Meta-Heuristic Algorithm, Cluster Computing, Vol 28, 104 (2025).
A. Poureidi, D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi, Increasing-chord planar graphs for points in convex position, submitted.
F. Bahranipour, S. Ebrahimi Mood, A. Souri and M. Farshi, An Energy-aware task scheduling method using the meta-heuristic algorithm in IoT environments, submitted.
F. Bahranipour, S. Ebrahimi Mood, and M. Farshi, Migration: a new operator in MOCS and using this modified algorithm for IoT task scheduling in cloud-fog computing, submitted.
A. Mesrikhani, M. Farshi, M. Davoodi, Progressive Algorithm For Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree, submitted.
A. Mesrikhani, M. Farshi, B. Iranfar, Solving the convex hull problem progressively in the external memory model, submitted.
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Conference Papers

M. Farshi and S. M. Vaezpour, Computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors without determinant. Second seminar on linear algebra and its applications, Persian Gulf University, Booshehr, Iran (2001). (in Persian)
M. Farshi, The image of higher derivations on Banach algebras. The 32nd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran. (2001). (in Persain)
M. Farshi, Generating self-similar patterns with computer and its application in textile. The 4th national conference in textile engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran (May 2002). (in Persian)
M. Farshi, J. Gudmundsson and P. Giannopoulos Finding the best shortcut in a geometric network. 21st Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG'05), Pisa, Italy, June 2005.
M. Farshi and J. Gudmundsson, Experimental study of geometric t-spanners. 13th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2005), Spain, October 3-6, 2005, Lecture Note in Computer Science, Vol 3669, pp. 556-567.
M. Farshi and J. Gudmundsson, On algorithms for computing the diameter of a t-spanner. 37th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC37), Tabriz, Iran, September 2-6, 2006.
M. A. Abam, M. de Berg, M. Farshi and J. Gudmundsson, Region-fault tolerant geometric spanners. ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2007) , New Orleans, USA, 7-9 January 2007..
M. Farshi and J. Gudmundsson, Experimental study of geometric t-spanners: a running time comparison. 6th Workshop on Experimental Algorithms (WEA '07), Rome, Italy, Lecture Notes Computer Science, Vol. 4525, pages 270--284, 2007.
H.-K. Ahn, M. Farshi, C. Knauer, M. Smid and Y. Wang, Dilation-optimal edge deletion in polygonal cycles. 18th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC '07), Lecture Notes Computer Science, Vol. 4835, pages 88--99, 2007.
P. Bose, P. Carmi, M. Farshi, A. Maheshvari and M. Smid, Computing the greedy spanner in near-quadratic time. SWAT'08: Proceedings of the 11th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, Lecture Notes Computer Science, Vol. 5124, pages 390--401, 2008.
M. A. Abam, P. Carmi, M. Farshi, and M. Smid, On the Power of the Semi-Separated Pair Decomposition. WADS'09: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Algorithms and Data Structures, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 2009, Volume 5664/2009, 1-12.
M. A. Abam, M. de Berg, M. Farshi, J. Gudmundsson and M. Smid, Geometric spanners for weighted point sets. ESA'09: Proceedings of the 17th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 2009, Volume 5757/2009, 190-202.
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi, Some properties of continuous Yao graph, 1st Topics in Theoretical Computer Science (TTCS2015), August 2015, IPM, Tehran, Iran, Lecture Note in Computer Science, Vol. 9541, Springer, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-28678-5 4
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi, M. Hasheminezhad, A generalization of alpha-dominating set and its complexity, 46th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC46), August 2015, Yazd, Iran.
M. Farshi, A. Poureidi, Z. Soltani, Sorting pairs of points based on their distances, 46th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC46), August 2015, Yazd, Iran. (In Persian)
M. Farshi, A. Poureidi, Lower bound of Computing a gometric Spanner from an Imprecise Geometric Graph (in Persian), 20th National Computer Society of Iran Computer Conference (CSICC 2016), March 2016, IPM, Tehran, Iran.
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi, Geometric Spanners Merging and its Applications, 28th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG2016), 3-5 August 2016, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
M. Farshi, A. Poureidi, The Complexity of a problem of imprecise geometric spanners (in Persian) 47th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC47), August 2016, Karaj, Iran.
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi, The Firm Gap Property and Its Applications, 47th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC47), August 2016, Karaj, Iran.
A. Mesrikhani, M. Farshi, Progressive sorting in the external memory model, 48th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (AIMC48), August 2017, Hamadan, Iran.
A. Mesrikhani, M. Farshi and M. Davoodi, Progressive Algorithm For Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree, 1st Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry (ICCG 2018), February 2018, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
D. Bakhshesh and M. Farshi, Fault Tolerancy of Continuous Yao Graph, 1st Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry (ICCG 2018), February 2018, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
A. Poureidi, D. Bakhshesh and M. Farshi, Increasing-Chord Planar Graphs for Points in Convex Position, 1st Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry (ICCG 2018), February 2018, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
D. Bakhshesh and M. Farshi, A New Construction of the Greedy Spanner in Linear Space, 1st Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry (ICCG 2018), February 2018, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
D. Bakhshesh and M. Farshi. A Plane Region-Fault Tolerant 2.095-Spanner for Points in Convex Position, 2nd Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry (ICCG 2019), February 2019, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
A. Mesrikhani and M. Farshi. Solving the convex hull problem progressively in the external memory model, 2nd Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry (ICCG 2019), February 2019, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
D. Bakhshesh and M. Farshi. Angle-Monotonicity of Delaunay Triangulation, 3rd Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry (ICCG 2020), February 2020, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
B. Iranfar, M. Farshi, A. Mesrikhani, On the expected weight of the theta graph on uncertain points, 3rd Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry (ICCG 2020), February 2020, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi. A Degree 3 Plane 5.19-Spanner for Points in Convex Position, The 32nd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2020), August 2020, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
B. Iranfar, M. Farshi, A. Mesrikhani, On the spread of a uniformly distributed point sets, International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mathematical Science, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran 2019.
D. Bakhshesh, M. Farshi. A lower bound on the stretch factor of Yao graph Y_4, 4th Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry (ICCG 2021), February 2021, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran, 2021.
A. Poureidi, M. Farshi. Spanners on imprecise points, 4th Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry (ICCG 2021), February 2021, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran, 2021.
F. Bahranipour, S. Ebrahimi-Mood and M. Farshi, , 52nd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, August 2021, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran. (in Persian)


Master Thesis: The Singer-Wermer Conjecture. Department of Mathematics, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. 1999. (in Persian)
PhD Thesis: A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Geometric Networks. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands. 2008. ISBN: 978-90-386-1135-8.

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Last update: October 6, 2024